We believe the following comprehensive six year program could stabilize Swan Lake as a eutrophic lake and provide a basis of assessing whether attaining mesotrophic status is feasible.

The proposed plan is based upon a 3-year Phoslock treatment cycle supported by continued efforts to reduce incoming phosphorus and nitrogen through aggressive geese management. In parallel, additional actions are taken to reduce nitrogen and chloride levels and to improve oxygen levels.

1) Reparation Phase – Years 1-3 (2021 – 2023)

During the initial 3 year Reparation Phase, efforts should be undertaken to manage the four key issues identified: excessive phosphorus, excessive nitrogen, excessive chloride and low oxygen levels.

Investigation is required into what solutions are feasible and optimal for the complex issues in Swan Lake. Investigation is undertaken in 2021, providing time to implement any identified solutions within the initial three year cycle.

2) Monitoring Phase Years 4 – 6 (2024 – 2026)

Another Phoslock treatment would be applied in the spring of 2024, including additional dosage if feasible, setting the stage for a 3-year monitoring period to assess the success of the new initiatives.

3) Reassessment 2026

A reassessment in 2026 of the success over the Monitoring Phase will determine the effectiveness of the various efforts. Another Phoslock treatment should be planned for the spring of 2027 and a determination made if it is feasible to move to a 5-year Phoslock treatment cycle thereafter.