Phoslock targets the critical goal of reducing phosphorus already in the lake while the Geese Management program should help reduce the major external source of phosphorus and nitrogen.

We are not aware of any planned changes in stormwater management design or practices in and around the park; however improvement in stormwater management practices could have a significant direct impact on the volume of contaminants entering the lake. We recommend a high priority be given to investigating ways to reroute the stormwater drainage on Swan Lake Boulevard and the Amica property away from Swan Lake and that there be closer monitoring of the water quality and maintenance of the oil/grit separators and the two stormwater ponds.

The current programs do not directly address three other important issues: 1) Need to improve oxygen levels and 2) the need to reduce nitrogen levels, and 3) the need to reduce chloride levels.

The above table illustrates the areas impacted by the current programs. In Section 6, we outline some additional programs that could address the core issues and minimize the dependency on Phoslock.